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 We humans have clearly identified tastes that go great together. The combination of chocolate and peanut butter comes to mind, as does peanut butter and jelly. For many, steak and eggs is a winning combination ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 1109 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 26 Февраля 2014

 In liquid perfume, the liquid is a mixture of alcohol, water and molecules that evaporates at room temperature. "A smell is basically a molecule that's light enough to float in the air, although not every molecule that's light enough to float in the air has a smell - carbon monoxide, for example" ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 1043 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 25 Февраля 2014

 You can never underestimate the power of humor with girls (if you question this concept at all, do a search of male comedians online and see how many of them are dating gorgeous models) ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 1008 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 25 Февраля 2014

 There's no one way to pack a backpack - everyone will pack their backpacks differently. But some general guidelines will make it easier for you to access the things you need when you need them ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 898 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 15 Февраля 2014

 Tooth shaping involves removing a small amount (generally 1 to 2 millimeters) of the enamel of the teeth. Tooth shaping can shorten long teeth, round off pointed teeth, and help create a pleasing smile that ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 872 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 15 Февраля 2014

 No hunter would be fully equipped without a knife. Your blade is essential for field dressing, skinning and preparing game, as well as for safety ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 911 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 15 Февраля 2014

 If you just have basic liability insurance, windshield and other glass damage isn't covered. Chances are, cracks and chips are not covered by your collision insurance either ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 899 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 14 Февраля 2014

 While it's true that money can't buy you happiness, it can certainly buy you a ticket to the International Space Station. Just ask multimillionaire Dennis Tito, who became the first space tourist in 2001, or Cirque du Soleil owner Guy Laliberté, who ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 855 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 14 Февраля 2014

 When most people think of snow skiing, typically alpine, or downhill, skiing come to mind. However, there are different forms of skiing, and the oldest -- and best, if you ask ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 1162 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 13 Февраля 2014

Depression is a difficult disease to diagnose and treat in children. It is estimated that up to 15 percent of children are depressed with equal risk in young boys and girls ...
Articles in English | Просмотров: 903 | Добавил: rafter | Дата: 13 Февраля 2014

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