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10 dangerous everyday things in your home

10  dangerous  everyday  things  in  your  home.

 Either by accident or faulty manufacturing, household consumer products injure an estimated 33.1 million people in the United States every year. These incidents rack up an astonishing $800 billion in related expenses from death, injury or property damages. The Consumer Product Safety Commission that regulates and recalls products on the market emphasizes potential dangers to children in particular for hurting themselves with toys, furniture or other common items in the home.

 However, we can also pinpoint a number of invisible hazards from products we buy that aren't as immediately apparent as a broken leg on a coffee table or a tear in a shirt. Scientists have realized that chemicals found in a wide variety of the goods we use every day may be more toxic than previously thought. In part because of the array of chemicals used to manufacture things we use in our daily lives, the National Poison Data System estimates 4 million cases of poisoning in the United States each year.

 We cannot discount that chemicals have made our lives easier. Thanks to them, we easily keep mosquitoes at bay, stop moths from eating our clothing and make our houses instantly smell like a dewy spring morning. But the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently concluded that indoor air may be more polluted than outdoor air. And since we spend an average of 90 percent of our time inside, our home sweet home may not be so safe after all.


Source: EPA 

Категория: Articles in English | Добавил: rafter (10 Февраля 2014)
Просмотров: 877 | Теги: Danger, people. damage, Chemical, Home, Scientists | Рейтинг: 0.0/0